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POV trial process
In addition to the Gethsemane song, I also wanted to make one of my favorite parts from Pilate. I always imagine him very expressive and a little evil looking even though I do not believe him to be evil. I wanted to make a kind of funny POV where you are Jesus at the trial so I made the resolution like a phone, imitating the tik tok trend of POVs.
For this project I didn't make a storyboard but I recorded myself acting this song. And it really helped.
Above is the first blocking I did. Since it was half the duration of the last animation, Gethsemane, I did the first blocking plus the lipsync blocking. This was done on day one.
On day two I cleaned up the blocking and added some movements. I also made him walk a little but it looks wonky now. I'll fix that on day 3. I also started to spline some ctrls. Lastly, I added some blocking for the background.
On day 3 I splined everything but it was still looking kinda weird. I didn't know what to do with the arms. So i re recorded myself acting the song but with the changes I did earlier. So now i have a more accurate map of what I have to do. On day 4 I did the modifications needed and this was the result. I still feel like I'm kind of lost on what direction to take this and I feel it's even more difficult since i don't have a mentor to tell me what exactly is wrong with it.
Fixed some spline details, splined the face and painted a background. I put some lights and this is the final result.
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